The Hindu calendar, also known as Panchang, is filled with traditional rituals, festivals, and auspicious days that hold immense significance in Hindu culture. Understanding the important dates in the Hindu calendar is essential for practicing various religious ceremonies and rituals at the right time. Among these dates, one of the most significant and highly awaited days is Gyaras.

What is Gyaras?

Gyaras, also known as Ekadashi, is the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight in the Hindu calendar. It occurs twice a month, once during the waxing phase of the moon (Shukla Paksha) and once during the waning phase of the moon (Krishna Paksha).

Significance of Gyaras:

  • Spiritual Cleansing: Observing Gyaras is believed to cleanse the mind, body, and soul. It is considered highly auspicious for spiritual growth and well-being.

  • Worship of Lord Vishnu: Gyaras is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, and his devotees observe fasts, perform rituals, and offer prayers to seek his blessings.

  • Importance of Fasting: Fasting on Gyaras is believed to remove negativity, purify the soul, and create a spiritual awakening. It is seen as a way to seek forgiveness and express gratitude.

  • Charity and Good Deeds: Many people engage in charitable activities on Gyaras as it is believed to bring prosperity and blessings.

Different Types of Gyaras:

  • Nirjala Ekadashi: A strict fast observed without consuming even water, typically falling during the Jyeshtha month.

  • Varuthini Ekadashi: This Ekadashi falls during the Shukla Paksha of the Vaishakha month and is believed to provide liberation from sins.

  • Papankusha Ekadashi: Celebrated in the Kartika month, it is said to remove the sins committed intentionally or unintentionally.

Rituals and Traditions on Gyaras:

  • Fasting: Devotees observe a strict fast from sunrise to the next day, consuming only water or fruits.
  • Worship of Lord Vishnu: Offer prayers, perform rituals, and visit Vishnu temples to seek his blessings.
  • Charity: Donate food, clothes, or money to the needy as an act of kindness and generosity.
  • Reading Scriptures: Spend time reading religious texts or listen to spiritual discourses.

Gyaras Celebration and Festivities:

  • Special Offerings: Prepare specific dishes like Sabudana Khichdi, kheer, and fruits to offer to the deity.
  • Bhajans and Kirtans: Sing devotional songs and participate in communal singing sessions.
  • Temple Visits: Visit Vishnu temples and participate in the special rituals conducted on Gyaras.
  • Community Meals: Organize or participate in community meals where devotees break their fast together.

Gyaras Dates in 2022:

  • January 17, 2022 – Pausha, Krishna Paksha
  • January 31, 2022 – Magha, Shukla Paksha
  • February 16, 2022 – Magha, Krishna Paksha
  • March 2, 2022 – Phalguna, Shukla Paksha
  • March 18, 2022 – Phalguna, Krishna Paksha
  • March 31, 2022 – Chaitra, Shukla Paksha

FAQs About Gyaras:

1. Why is Ekadashi fasting important?

Ekadashi fasting is believed to purify the body and mind, improve self-control, and bring spiritual benefits.

2. Can everyone observe Ekadashi fasting?

Pregnant women, individuals with health conditions, and young children are exempt from strict fasting but can opt for lighter forms of fasting or abstinence.

3. What foods are allowed during Ekadashi fasting?

Generally, people consume simple vegetarian foods like fruits, nuts, milk, and specific grains like buckwheat and sago during Ekadashi fasting.

4. Can one drink water during Ekadashi fasting?

During Nirjala Ekadashi, also known as waterless Ekadashi, even water consumption is prohibited. However, in general Ekadashi fasting, water intake is allowed.

5. What time should Ekadashi fasting be broken?

It is customary to break the Ekadashi fast after sunrise on the following day, known as Parana Time. However, specific timings may vary based on regional customs and beliefs.

In Conclusion:

Gyaras, or Ekadashi, holds a special place in Hindu culture and traditions. It is a time for spiritual reflection, devotion to Lord Vishnu, and seeking blessings for overall well-being. Observing Gyaras with sincerity and dedication is believed to bring positivity, spiritual growth, and fulfillment to the devotee’s life. Embracing the rituals, traditions, and significance of Gyaras can lead to a deeper connection with one’s faith and a sense of inner peace.


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